Nov 2011 15

Name:  Jesse Ruelas
Detective Stanislaus County S/O
Nickname:  Zeus
Fighting Weight: 220 lbs


1. When did you start boxing?  2 years ago

2. What gym do you train at?  Dynamic Martial Arts

3.Who is your trainer?  Paul Mendoza

4. Who or what got you started in boxing?  Friendly Challenge from co-workers.

5. Toughest opponent? Chris McElroy-CDCR

6. Who is your favorite boxer?  Mike Tyson

7. Favorite all time fight?  Gatti vs Ward

8. Prefight music?  Cypress Hill

9. Most memorable athletic achievement?  Went to state championships in college wrestling

10. When did you start your career in public safety?  1998

11. People would be surprised to know about you?  Just received my BA Degree.

12.  What do you like to do when not training or working?  BBQ, Love good food

13.  Favorite movie or TV show?  The Ultimate Fighter

14.  Military?  Just ROTC Air force…