Jun 2016 04

image1Matthew McBee
University of Virginia Police Department
Nickname: Matt
Weight: 180
Record: 0-0

1. When did you start your career in public safety?  I started full time in 1999 after graduating college, but was a volunteer fireman in Long Island NY at the age of 19 in 1992.

2. When did you start boxing?  I started training to box a little over 20 years ago.  After about a year I stopped and began training about 8 months ago to supplement my lifting routine.  After starting again I really got into it and haven’t stopped.

3. What got you started in boxing?  Back in the 90’s, it was the friend of a roommate I had.  Now, I just started back up on my own.

4. What gym do you train at when preparing for a fight?  The MMA Institute but I also have a gym at home where I train daily.

5. Who is your trainer?  Coach T

6. Who is the best boxer you ever trained or sparred with?  Guy named Andrew Dolan, kid was 25 pounds lighter than me but 100 times faster.  Wasn’t real fun.

7. What does a typical training day consist of for you?  Running or bike, weight training, later on foot work, shadow boxing, then usually cycle through heavy bag, double ended bag, speed bag and finish with ab workout and jumping rope.

8. Favorite fighter?  I have many.  Pound for pound – Sugar Ray Robinson. Heavy weights – Rocky Marciano and Evander Holyfield

9. Favorite all time fight?  Nothing better than Gatti/Ward I – round 9 being the best round.

10. If you had to pick one fighter who most resembles your style who would it be?  Would have to be Marciano. I like to put everything I have into my punches. If I could stand still a whole fight and just throw away I would!

11. Favorite movie?  I don’t like watching things more than once but if I had to pick one it would probably be American Sniper.

12. Favorite place to eat? Bone Fish Grill. The steak is the bomb!  (Even though it’s mainly a seafood joint)

13. First job?  Usher and popcorn man at Manhasset Movie Theater, Long Island New York.

14. First car? Jeep

15. What do you like to do when not training or working?  I like to spend time with my family.

16. Person you most admire? I admire anyone who is willing to put on a badge and a uniform for a career and go out there on a daily basis and deal with the bad things that happened in this world. It takes a special person to do that.

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