Aug 2016 02

FullSizeRenderHugh Estrada
California Highway Patrol
Nickname: “Hurricane” Hugh Estrada
Weight: 165-170 lbs

1. When did you start your career in public safety? I started CDC in 1999 and moved to the CHP in 2007. 

2. When did you start boxing? I started boxing in March of this year

3. What got you started in boxing? I have always liked one on one events. I have a wrestling background. I was always interested in boxing and wanted to compete before I was too old. 

4. What gym do you train at? I train at Boxfit Elite in Stockton and at home. 

5. Who is your trainer? My trainers are Shawn house and Matt Massod. 

6. What does a typical training day consist of for you? On work days I wake up early before shift and train in my garage. Cardio, weights, punching bag and footwork drills. On my days off I go to the gym to work with my trainer. 

7. Who is your Favorite fighter? My favorite fighter is Mike Tyson. 

8. Favorite all time fight? My favorite fight is Mayweather-Pacquiao. Everyone was rooting for Manny but Mayweather proved his ability and legacy. Even if you don’t like him we have no choice but to respect his abilities. 

9. If you had to pick one fighter who most resembles your style who would it be? Not sure if I resemble any fighter. Hopefully I can copy the skills of some of the great ones making my own style. 

10. Favorite movie? My favorite movie is 300. 

11. Favorite food? My favorite food is chicken. 

12. First job? My first job was a paperboy. 

13. First car? My first car was a hand me down 1985 Nissan Sentra.

14. What do you like to do when not training or working? I like to spend time with my wife and kids. Shopping, swimming and picnicking. 

15. Person you most admire? The person I admire the most is my wife Lupe. She has an amazing heart and deeply cares about her family. She is the source of my strength.