Alfredo Angulo Stops by City Of Angels

downloadThe former interim WBO Light Middleweight Champion Alfredo Angulo, (22-4) stopped by the City of Angels Boxing Gym in Los Angeles to give a few tips to some top rated fighters. 3rd ranked Lightweight and UCA Fight of the Night winner Deirdre Fonseca, LAPD had the honor to spar and hang out with Angulo.  #1 ranked Jr Middleweight Dustin Rodriguez, Santa Monica FD and 2nd ranked Middleweight Quincy Mirage, LAPD also got a chance to get in some work with the for10410052_644602392285451_379858490_nmer Champion.

City of Angels Boxing’s Mission is to help people get in the best shape of their life and love every minute of it.  As children we play and it’s the most enjoyable time of the day, we want to bring playtime back for adults!  Work hard, play hard!

1726 North Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 (323) 630-1974At City of Angels Boxing you can train like a professional boxer without the risk, reap the rewards without the danger.  Our classes are 1 hour, full body workouts that have been used by thousands of people to enhance their lives.  We’ve created a space where individuals of every fitness and athletic level can come and challenge themselves to reach their personal goals through hard work and fun.  We believe that having a positive place to exercise is the key to reaching goals.