Mar 2012 28
Jodi Brown
Sacramento Police Department
Fighting Weight: 150

1.  When did you start boxing?  January, 2012.

2.  Who is your trainer?  Patrick Cox and Dave Deleon.

3.  Fight entrance music?  99 Problems

4.  What was your first job?  Pizza delivery driver.

5.  What sports did you play in high school or college?  In high school I played basketball, softball and golf.

6.  Most memorable athletic achievement? Completing the Dayton Half Marathon.

7.  When did you start you career in public safety?  2007

8.  What would people be surprised to know about you?  I make animal balloons.  

9.  What do you like to do when you are not working out or training?  I like to scuba dive.

10.  Favorite movie or television show?   My favorite movie is Step Brothers!  “Did we just become best friends?”

11.  First car?  1994 Ford Escort hatchback style.

12.  Person I most admire?  The men and women of the United States military who have gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

13.  Favorite athlete?  Joe Montana

14.  What type of music to you listen too?  I like all types of music, but mostly country.

15.  Military.  I am currently in the Air Force Reserves, stationed at Beale Air Force Base.

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