Title Eliminator

The UCA 2nd ranked Kyle Hatcher, Livingston Police Dept vs #3 Victor Ibal, Sanger Police Dept features a matchup between two skilled heavyweight fighters. Hatcher has blazed a path of destruction in his boxing career. Displaying superb boxing and power across his 6 wins. He will face a fearless fighter in Ibal, who has 18 fights and never backs down from anyone. Ibal trains at the Batcave in Clovis under coach Williams and stablemates Atkins, Baker and Lewis. Ibal also gets in rounds with Jett Blackwell  at Aleman’s Boxing Gym in Fresno. Hatcher trains at The Truth Boxing Gym in Turlock and has put in a lot of rounds with pro fighters Rodney Hernandez and Marco Delgado. Hatcher is also scheduled to spar with the USA Olympic Silver Medalist Richard Torres Jr before he meets Ibal.  The winner of this fight will lock in his spot to challenge Chris Dubiansky, Camp Pendleton Fire Dept for the UCA Heavyweight title.  Don’t miss the NorCal Battle of the Badges Saturday October 15, 2022 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sacramento at Fire Mountain. Doors open at 4pm first bell rings at 6pm.
General Admission $50
Ringside $75
VIP Skybox/Balcony $150