May 2014 14

UCA Champions

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NEW-CHAMP-BANNER-5-mergeBeing a champion is how you are measured in your sport.  What Flores, Jones, Stevens, Bugarin, Sparks, Vargas and Wurdinger all have in common is they are a champion.  A champion is a winner; a person of high character who is consistently setting goals. Someone who is never satisfied and who always wants to be at the top of whatever he or she does.  A champion has a competitive fire that burns within to be better than everyone else. Champions have a vision and a plan to reinforce that vision. They have the courage to see the impossible and cross the line between good and great.  Champions are the people who overcome and persevere through all adversity. They have a positive mindset and are driven to be the best.  They are the first in the gym and the last to leave.  Champions believe they have a gift and they develop it into an extraordinary achievement.  They don’t accept boundaries, they challenge them. Champions are disciplined to put aside other pleasures to achieve greatness.   Their achievements will stay with them far beyond their days as a boxer.  Flores, Jones, Stevens, Bugarin, Sparks, Vargas and Wurdinger will live the rest of their lives as a champion.

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